Day 2 of Guatemala brought in surprises of every sort. This town is not what it seems to be.
My morning walk to coffee.
One of many beautiful scenes.
the early crew! People who enjoy a morning cup of Guatemala joe! Donothan Williams, Jonathan, Ben, and myself.
Ths is the class room at the school. Donothan lead in worship and teaching all morning, it was a blessing!
Motorcycles are the number one mode of transportation.
this is a funny place. There's so much poverty surrounded by high tragic tourism.. It creates an interesting feel. This broken down car is parked outside of a specialty welding shop that designs chandeliers.
Ezekiel brewed up an afternoon cup of coffee for me. This coffee is grown right here in Antigua and is to date in my life the best cup I have ever had. Fresh makes the difference.
Donothan enjoying his cup.
and off to dinner! We walked to a near by pizza place at sunset. The views are stunning!
adios day!
when I said pizza place what I meant was dominos...
not to different from home after all.
at the end of the day all the staff and students gather into the square at the school to pray.
Today was great. I got to see more of the town and through talking to students I learned a lot more of what goes on here. It is a unique place. The locals love this town, they take great pride in taking care of it. Old structures are made new in artsy ways, everything is preserved to the highest level. Old ruins make new hotels and houses. Behind every wall there is a courtyard files with gardens, shops, and culture. The focus is not on curb appeal, it's what's inside the walls that counts.
I'm excited to see more! Today is going to be a great day.
what appears to be a ruin is actually a modern house. Fenced and gated, this person knows what they have is unique and beautiful so privacy is crucial.
thank you for checking it out!
-Nathaniel Harrington.