Sorry I've been wrapped up in being busy here the last few days... I wanted to post but haven't been finding the time to get to it.
I'm just a couple hours from taking my return flight home, and I must say I'm stoked. It's time to get back to my wife and Tatum.
This trip has been a huge blessing! I'm so grateful to Potters Field Ministries for hosting me, letting me hang out, and showing me Antigua.
I'll wrap this up with a few more images of the city...
Women washing their clothes at the fountain.
Quincy McCook, Donothan and I took a tuk-tuk. They are little three wheeled taxi cabs... Pretty fun ride!
best kick stand ever.
one last glance at this street... This place is cool.
again, just so thankful to have had this chance to see Antigua, Guatemala. I'm going to keep the students and staff in prayer as well as the people of this country. Please do the same. :)
thanks for checkin in,
-Nathaniel Harrington