Christmas break surf has been pretty fun! I was able to get a really good evening and morning mesh at Sebastian Inlet recently. The colors are what really get me! Florida has some beautiful seasons to enjoy!
Here's the pics.
Chauncey Robinson started off the fun with this indie air reverse. Sorry about the water spots.. :/
Nathan Gallagher was surfing with a fury during my sunset sesh. Every other wave that came in, he was on it displacing some water!
Paul Reinecke doing what he does best.
The next morning...
Wiley Robinson getting his legs warmed up for the day with some seriously mean turns.
My Pastor, Jim Gallagher, teaching all the groms how to lay it down proper.
Chauncey, Indie Air Reverse with the morning light.
It's not always my focus to try to shoot the wedging barrel that takes place at first peak, but it sure can look nice when its right! Here's Wiley tucking in on a fun backlit one.
Wiley a second later.
Jim Gallagher looked like he was having an "on fire" morning out there, the sky showed its color as well.
Every once in a while this happens. Chauncey right at home.
Such a fun time shooting with all the guys out there! Here's the rest in a gallery to wet your appetite for the next swell to come.

Thanks for checking in!
Enjoy your time in the water,
-Nathaniel Harrington