I'm currently going through past images, gathering them up and getting ready to ship them off to a brand new Gallery in Laguna Beach, California.
Here's a couple I found that I haven't put out yet.. Stoked!
Laguna Beach
I'm currently going through past images, gathering them up and getting ready to ship them off to a brand new Gallery in Laguna Beach, California.
Here's a couple I found that I haven't put out yet.. Stoked!
Here's a wave for you! Love that Beautiful backwash effect! Fan out.
Laguna Beach mystery spot! Who can tell me where this is(excluding porter hogan). I'll say its one of my favorite locations and an amazing spot to find some of THE BEST shore break in California.
Yew!! Porter Killin it! re-edit of an oldie I found.
Last Monday was an EPIC day! Super fun dive with Porter Hogan, Brandon and Patricia Phillips and of course my wife. :)
South Laguna has some amazing spots to go and see sea life, awesome underwater structures, and the clearest water I have yet found in California. Check out these photos from the dive of a lifetime.
So, Porter is a MAN! Beast could even be a better description. I've never seen some one catch a shark with their bare hands before, but with Porter there's nothing in the water that can't be done.
I watched Porter Dive down into this little cave about 15ft or so under, I took a deep breathe to follow. As soon as I hit the sand I looked up to see Porter come thrashing out of the dark spot in the cave with a 3 1/2ft horn shark in his bare hands! Amazing! He got to the surface and I asked him what the heck!? he just said the shark was sleeping and he thought it'd be fun to catch it. Again, Epic!
The remaining of the dive was swimming through caves underwater and visiting some fun caves above water in the rocks. Sweet Bra!
Good Times guys!
It's been pretty flat in Southern California the past few weeks, which makes for an awesome dive!
Don't ever be bummed out when there's not waves, take the opportunity to go visit the creatures of the sea and get a little more comfortable playing in the water.
Ben Classen and I did some snorkeling in south Laguna. I love seeing the kelp and other growth here! It's really different from Maui or other tropical places as such because here the ocean is teaming with sea grass and kelp forests. It makes it feel a little erie and sometimes can be uncomfortable, you never know what's lurking in or around these huge forests... hopefully a shark or two, some seals, stingrays, and lots of fish, you just never know. We didn't see anything more than some fish and rays this day, but always amazing to be in the water none the less.
Check out the photos from our epic little adventure.