Tiss the Season... for surf.
Here's another great morning we had at Sebastian Inlet last week. Chest high fun with Chauncey Robinson, Wiley Robinson, Paul Reineke, and Dave Speir.
What a morning to wake up and go for a surf.
That's a view that will never get old. Chauncey Robinson soaking it all in.
A little foggy, amazing colors, couldn't ask for more.
the chaun.
The first barrel was an almost amazing shot.

There were some super fun close out sections and the guys lit them up. Chauncey closed this one out with a bang.
Glassy Moment.
How are these next two shots for a winter scene. These frames make me shiver just looking at them.
Icy Peak.
Wiley Robinson making it Snow.
Above sequence, Paul Reineke tagged that close-out hard.

Above Sequence, I love watching Dave Speir surf. Such clean, powerful style.

Chauncey follows right in Dave's footsteps.
I think rainbows are attracted to Chauncey... they just follow him around.
Hows this for a hollow surprise. No takers.

Wiley Robinson found this nugget! That will make getting up early worth it every time.
Speir knows where to find the drainers.
Speir, again...
This is the best. Check out that guy on the pier rocking his powered wheel chair with more rods than a charter boat. Goals.
Stoked to have such a rad crew at the inlet.
Thank you all for visiting!
-Nathaniel Harrington
Social Tags, @natehphoto @chaunchoo @wileyrobinson @speirchucker