As my coffee brewed and the first glimpse of light began to show yesterday morning I knew I was in for a special treat. Fog filled the perfectly still air, my first clue as to the conditions of the sea. Its mornings like these that keep my excitement going, something a little different, and totally perfect.
Have a look at the pristine surf Vero Beach enjoyed at the break of dawn yesterday.
Its awesome to have a slight change of background from time to time, I'll take the fog any day.
Touchdown Moment.

Fog Lines.
This is probably my favorite image from the shoot. The surf was so calm that the reflections of the barrels were the only way to determine where the wave was actually breaking. My photos make a clearer, more distinctive look than how it was in the moment. Its good that the camera captures more than the eye.
The sun even decided to make an appearance for a brief moment, making for some really amazing lighting.
A perfect moment. As this barrel touches down and the pelican fly's toward shore, the lighting and ocean all came together to make one brilliant image.
And last but not least here's a few seconds of some Slow Motion barrels from the same morning. Once the sun came out I had to play with my iPhone 6 in its WaterShot Housing.
Well thank you all for visiting and enjoy your Holidays!
-Nathaniel Harrington