The Possibilities are endless.
The ladies of my life, Double Exposure.
-Nathaniel Harrington
RiverLee Harrington
The Possibilities are endless.
The ladies of my life, Double Exposure.
-Nathaniel Harrington
Saturday's are the best day of the week. I get to spend them with my lil girl River Lee all day cause Tatum is off at work. It's a great opportunity for me to take River to the beach and hang out, shoot some photos from shore, and one day teach that girl how to surf. Until I can get in the water with River I will continue to look to her angle finding skills for all my shore shots. :) It's a perfect plan.
This past Saturday we were at Sebastian Inlet where we took some photos of Matt Kechele and Nate Gallagher. The surf was a bit wonky, but the guys made the most of it.
Yah, pre-surf game is strong.
Nate Gallagher, going vert between the weekend warriors and the flying beach patrol.
Kechele, more of that perfect form.
Nathan coming undone on a fins free attack.
I was shooting with a B&W polarizer, its only fair that I edit one image to be B&W. Nate frontside hack.
Strong backhand from Kechele.
Kechele finding a touch of shade on a tropical, wintry Florida day.
River was having a blast at the beach, but there were a few moments when I looked at her and thought that she had become part of the beach. The endless exploring, a million sea shells, and a sandy lunch can leave a lasting impression on a kiddo. I hope she always loves the beach like her mom and I do. :) She looks the part no?
Trevor Gallagher cruised out with Nathan and brought his drone. I'm curious to see of he got any shots... Seeing him play with this almost convinced to to dabble into video.. Thats kinda a big deal.
One last look as we left the beach. The fun never ends.
I hope every weekend is as good as this last weekend. Thanks to my daughter for helping me out with those angles, and thanks to the guys for the great surfing.
-Nathaniel Harrington & River Lee
As promised here are the Surf shots from the weekend... I didn't spend a lot of time shooting photos, surfing just sounded like too much fun! I did have to put down the housing to pick up a board, glad I did.
Tatum, River, and I met up with friends Buddy & heather Brown, and Donothan for a lil glassy surf sesh. Waves were waist to chest and a little on the mushy side, perfect day to take out the longboards.
Here's my take of Photos:
I never use my 50mm shooting surf, so these images are going to look a lot different than what I usually get. Whether intentional or not the 50mm gives water photography a very artsy feel... I dig it.
I have never shot shore break with a 50mm either.. but after shooting these few images I know that this is a look I will try to be perfecting. Although with small beach break like these its almost impossible to get the 50mm into the barrel, I still think it gives an ascetic look that a wide angle will never be able to capture. You judge.
Fun times in Vero Beach. So blessed to have the friends and family God has given me and the time in the Sand, Sun & Waves.
-Nathaniel Harrington
Just got back from a really fun 3 day trip to freezing cold MN.
River's first plane ride, more snow in the midwest than I've ever seen, empty lift lines and powder runs at Trollhaugen, WI, sums it all up well.
I got to go snowboarding with my good friends Austin Young and Eric Ralles. I really never have seen so much snow at the resorts, its wild!! We had an epic powder day at troll, one that I will never forget.
Here's a few of those moments...
To top off the weekend we had to go shoot some guns. You can't go to MN without shooting guns!
I love it up there.
There's no place like home!
A special thanks to my family for the awesome weekend. Love and miss you all. :)
Thanks for checking out the blog.
-Nathaniel & the Harrington's.
It started with an invitation that I wasn't even sure was meant to be a real invite, well, turns out it was more than sincere. My in-laws long time friends(the Brown's) live over in Vero Beach, Florida, they know my wife Tatum pretty well and know that I am crazy about surf. The invitation was to get away and enjoy a relaxing weekend on the east coast. To say the least I jumped on it! I didn't even think twice about it... it's time to see some waves and get my feet sandy. We took off.
It's fun not knowing where you are going or what its going to be like when you get there.. I love adventures. But these days adventures seem to be a little more tricky than what they used to be. Once upon a time I packed my car with everything I owned and was gone, now I pack my car full of my 4 month old daughters things and then attempt to fit my own gear. Times have changed, so the adventure has also changed. I wasn't sure what it would be like going to the Brown's home with River Lee and Tatum, turns out, not a problem at all. We were greeted with tons of love and an open house.
To add to the excitement we were able to meet up with our good friends Blake and Chelsea. We spent the day in Sebastian soaking up the sun and enjoying the surf.
The surf was pretty tiny, but fun! Blake did what he could and I stuck my head in a few barrels.. perfect day.
The sun came out and made it a fantastic day for the beach. River thought so... Of course she had a photo shoot, to darn cute to not.
These Photos by Chelsea Erwin. A huge Thanks to Blake & Chelsea for cruising up the coast to hang out with us! Love you guys.
Click here to see Chelsea's take on the day....
Yup, even after all that I still found some time to enjoy a Moon rise over the Ocean. I've never seen a full moon rise like this before.. I guess the East Coast does have some perks! It was AweMazing! I shot it all with a wide angle.. I apologize for that, because it was better than what my photos show.
...and that is that... one weekend in the books.
Thanks so much to Buddy & Gail Brown for opening your home to my family. We hope to see you again soon.
-Nathaniel Harrington