Nothing better than waking up on a weekend to go swim with a little bump in the water. Stunning experiences in Vero Beach are keeping the motivation strong! Lovin' it.
-Nathaniel Harrington
Tokina 10mm
Nothing better than waking up on a weekend to go swim with a little bump in the water. Stunning experiences in Vero Beach are keeping the motivation strong! Lovin' it.
-Nathaniel Harrington
I wasn't really expecting the conditions to be as good as they were when I woke up at 5:30 this morning... But first light over the Ocean once again proves that Florida can be an amazing spot for near perfect surfing conditions.
So amped on the day, and its only half-over. Enjoy your Thursday!
-Nathaniel Harrington
Hi Guys!
Hope you all had a great weekend! I know I sure did. Sunday turned into an all day outing at the beach where I was very surprised to find some surf coming in. When I say surf what I really mean in tiny shorebreak barrels that I get super amped on! There was a little more size today than I have seen in a while which really helped the images this weekend.
I started my day at 6am sharp to get a few pre-dawn motion shots in at the Pier. I've seen a lot of people do some cool images with blur and I am giving it a shot myself. That and there's no other place I'd rather watch the day start from than in the water. :) Also, Jonny Capen joined me with his gopro and skim board for the morning photo sesh. I watched him tuck into a few barrels with the lens pointed down the line, so hoping he got some great video/photo from the morning. I shot a few images of him enjoying the surf as well.
Here's some shots...
Motion in the Morning. Pretty neat with the pier in the background.
Believe it or not I really did a lazy job of going through these pics. I'm pretty tired so I passed up tons of awesome barrel shot, all of which will probably get burried into my hard drive never to be seen again. haha. Happens all to often.
Still, I'm amped on the selection I was able to grab!
Jonny's skimshots were fun to take. I haven't shot action in a long time!
The contrast from morning to afternoon is pretty radical. Once the winds come up the East Coast shuts down. But, I managed to find a few spots where the storms were able to bring some shape back to the surf. I love shooting storms and less than perfect conditions more than I like to shoot perfect conditions. There's so much more of a challenge to it! Anyways, I was happy to find a few more nuggets in the day, and I am stoked to share them with you here.
Metallic colors in the stormy afternoon are my absolute favorite. What do you think?
I'd love to hear some oppinions on what images you guys like more! The perfect shaped of a morning sunrise, or the the tossing afternoon storm surges? Keep in mind that Morning was shot with a 10mm lens while afternoon was with a 50mm. Which gets your vote?
Thanks for checking in!
-Nathaniel Harrington
And I almost left the camera at home thinking that there was no possible way waves would be breaking... That turned into me running full speed back to the car to get the camera that I thankfully brought!
I was pretty amped to come across a few nuggets this morning in crystal clear water. The wind was a tad heavy on it, which gave just a bit more texture than I would have liked. I think if it could have been just a touch more melo we could have seen the bottom and out the back in every barrel. The water is Beautful! I'll try again another day. :)
Enjoy the slideshow! there's some great shots in there.
Even got to see a Nurse Shark without having to snorkel! It came swimming straight up to my feet, by the time I put the camera in the water she had turned to leave.. oh well. It was cool to see the sea life out and about in such prime conditions.
Thats a great start to the weekend! Hope everyone enjoys theirs!
-Nathaniel Harrington
Vero Beach has been so good to me on Sunday Mornings. It seems like every weekend my family has come down here fri-sat are windy days, then it cleans up with offshore winds on Sunday morning. I couldn't ask for better.
Here's a couple I like from this morning.
Helloooo Sunday!
I can get used to waking up early for this view. :)
Clouds & Water.
I love this last one. Just an awesome bit of backwash mixed in with the clouds, and a slightly different more elevated angle than I usually shoot. Turned out well.
Thanks for checking in,
-Nathaniel Harrington